Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tomatoes Bring High Energy

It's no secret that tomatoes are high in antioxidants. They are actually called cancer fighters by many nutritionist. But, tomatoes bring more than that. Pick up a glass of tomato juice or add a few cherry tomatoes to your afternoon snack and see what else it brings. Energy!

One glass of juice can get you through the afternoon siesta blues. It may not taste as good as a chocolate bar, but the energy lasts!

My dad swears by a glass a day and he is 83 and running circles around me! (He grows them, picks them, cooks them, juices them and cans them.)

Other Important Benefits: Helps combat heart disease by thinning blood, defends against some cancers and slows down the damage to human cells caused by aging.

The benefit comes from the skin of red tomatoes and from the jelly like substance inside. I prefer to eat them like an apple, but there are many other ways to get plenty of benefits from tomatoes; tomato paste being one of the best.

When your kids (or husband) turn up their noses, you can honestly tell them tomatoes are not vegetables. "Have some cancer fighting, heart disease preventing, anti aging berries."

1 comment:

Hanes said...

Great article. Its true tomatoes have great power but there are other foods too that help in healing diseases. To know more, just visit www.healingfoods.co.in