Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is so very critical that I am pulling pieces of two previous posts from Blog for Life, my forum about healing from depression and anxiety. I believe these two pieces are vital to a closer walk with God. Apparently, thinking differently is a "must do" AND a first step. Why else would John the Baptist preach repentance before Jesus came on the ministry scene? (Matthew 3)


Rene' Descartes' philosophy, "I think, therefore I am," has been debated, quoted, discussed, written about and THOUGHT about for centuries now. I have only recently, begun to understand it and I fear that it is absolutely true! My thought life is something that I have struggled with for years now. It was the reason I fell into depression. It was the reason I could not climb out. I made me spiritually, physically and emotionally unstable!

I have noticed, simply through observation that people who think negatively are sick more often than those who think positively. Those who think bad things are always going to happen to them, always experience bad things! My husband thinks positively every day about his health, finances, etc. He never gets sick and he is never late on his mortgage! more


Recently, after reading the scripture above, I felt the need to look up the word repent. Obviously, I thought I already knew what it meant, but just wanted to look a little deeper. I had always been told that it simply meant to turn away from sin; stop what you are doing and do what is right. More than likely, you have heard the same. I was amazed to find that all it really meant was to think differently.

Later, that same day, I heard a remarkable sermon about repentance from Dr. Stephen Manley. He explained that repentance not only meant to think differently, but to CONTINUOUSLY think differently. It's not something we do once. (You know the usual drill: Repentance - Baptism - Go to Church...) It's something we must always do. more

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