Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spiritual Healing Series: Walking In Christ

Walking In Christ is the fifth post in the Spiritual Healing Series. In the first post I pointed out that Jesus was authoritative and strong, and that we have the same spiritual gifts that he had. The second post points out that Jesus did not earn his gifts through legalism or religion, but through a relationship with God. The third post depicts Jesus and God as one. Jesus had spent ample time in direct training through his relationship with God. The word of God grew within Him until it manifested in His physical life. The fourth post explains one of the reasons why the spiritual gifts of Christ are not manifesting in our lives.

Since Spiritual Gifts are what we're after in this series, I will conclude with this post and this bold statement from Ephesians, Chapter 4: This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart... And, this from chapter 5: Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. The word imitators can also be translated as followers.

Notice that we are no longer to walk in the futility of our own minds. How can we do that?

It's clear that following comes before walking. Aren't we getting it backwards? Aren't we trying to walk without following? Thus, we fail. Our gifts remain hidden deep within us and churches are closing their doors. Non believers are choosing to stay that way, because we aren't offering them anything better than what the world has to offer; the futility of our own minds.

The spiritual healing we seek will come from seeking God and following God, allowing the knowledge that ONLY He has to offer replace the futility of our minds and soften our hearts. Then, we can walk as Christ walked; with all the spiritual gifts in Christ.

I am going to conclude this spiritual healing series with this huge statement: Be a God chaser. You can learn more about following in our Easter Story bible study, starting with Healing Words..

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